Some say we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our spiritual body and soul call us at times in our lives to reconnect. As we are often disconnected, rushing, not in the present moment. An injury can be that catalyst bringing us into the here and now.
This physical injury may bring about out of body sensations or feelings. Sometimes patients report having an out of body experience or don’t remember what happened when injured. Trauma may often cause a disconnect as a protective mechanism. Not remembering everything is a way the mind tries to protect the body. However, reconnecting the two is essential for full recovery.
Emotions are often on a plane outside of the body. This is the intuitive portion of healing. When ready, you may want to incorporate deeper healing of the emotional spiritual body to aid in physical restoration.
Aligning body and spirit after a major accident, fall, surgery or other trauma can aide in recovery. We are intuitive beings. Try not to ignore these sensations. They are coming up for a reason. You may have buried them long enough.
Be in your body. Check in with yourself. Feel all the feels. This is hard work. Slowing down to connect with all of you, can be the greatest gift you give yourself.