Beyond Physical Therapy

Beyond Physical Therapy

Aside from providing the best traditional and integrative physical therapy. Go beyond, physical therapy. We strive and thrive on treating you as a whole being. This means exploring and expanding your ability to heal from the inside out. In order to do this.

It is important we also address the external elements that play a factor in our internal environment.

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From the foods we eat, the air we breathe to the various structures with live and work in. All of this can have a positive or negative impact on our health. In the cities we live, we are unfortunately bombarded with toxins contributing to inflammation, pain and overall healing.

If you want to explore and expand your overall well-being. We offer coaching and wellness sessions, in person, in home or via telehealth. This level of care goes above and beyond physical therapy. These sessions can be interwoven with your current treatment plan, or in addition to. And if this is your primary interest as you currently do not have a specific injury affecting you. We have you covered.

Your External Environment Affects Your Internal Environment

There is a laundry list of environmental factors that may affect your health. The short list includes mold, chemical sensitivity, EMF’s (electromagnetic fields), processed foods, vitamin deficiency, environmental or food allergies. Any one or combination of these can wreak havoc on your immune system, histamine response and fight or flight. These are all considered stressors which kick up cortisol in your body. Therefore, may also impact your body’s ability to heal from an acute or chronic injury.

This is when you may be ready and willing to reduce the inflammation in your body, rather than reaching for that anti-inflammatory pill. Through foods, supplements, and lifestyle changes. Your internal environment will have a better chance at improving and tolerating exposure to excess environmental toxins on a daily basis. This is hard work. And changes do take time. As these health factors are years in the making. Some as far back as childhood.

If this is something you are interested in or want to learn more. Beyond Integrative PT is here to assist you in living your best life. We will continue to expand these services and treatments based on our growing knowledge and expertise from the best functional medicine doctors, nutritionists, osteopaths and naturopaths across Los Angeles. As we too are on a life-long health journey sharing and experiencing this existence.

Beyond pain and injury. Believe in Your Resilience!

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